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Sean Craig

Sean Craig was born in 1971 in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, son of a German mother and an American father. When he was two years old, the family moved to Germany where they lived for the next 16 years. After graduating from school in Germany Sean decided to return to the US to study some combination of physics, mathematics, and/or English since science and literature had always been subjects he loved. After some back and forth he picked up a masters degree in mathematics. The next few years were spent in a relatively freewheeling lifestyle that featured extensive travel, odd (!) jobs, and frequent relocations. He had started taking on occasional work as a translator for his professors during his college days. With the development of the internet, Sean realized that working as a freelance translator could afford him the flexibility to lead his still somewhat nomadic lifestyle while at the same time providing a reliable income. While he now has settled down somewhat, he still enjoys working as a translator. He currently lives in Zagreb, Croatia, with his wife Natasha and daughter Eva.

Sean can be reached directly via email.

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