Therese Eglseder, born 29.12.1958 in Munich, Germany, first learnt Lower and Upper Bavarian dialects (“Standard German not until school – I was very astonished at the pronunciation”). Enticed by Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Big Bad Wolf comics (“my uncle’s first post-war editions in German, with black-and-white supplements informing kids about America”), she started reading already at the age of five. From her 10th year of life, she was taught English at school. After terminating her secondary education at a nuns’ school and working as an office clerk, she became a foreign-language correspondent and attended the superior foreign language school in Munich which she left as a state-certified translator for English in the subject area of economics. As a foreign-language correspondent and translator in the refrigeration industry, she became acquainted with technical, commercial and general texts.
In 1999 she began to work as a free-lance translator and specialised also on medical texts in addition to economic ones. Her first book, a guidebook for managers, was a translation from American English into German. Being a passionate alto singer, she translated English hymns from various centuries, in part with Old English text parts, for the German audience of a choir concert last year.
During her education at the superior foreign language school in Munich she was confronted with many belletristic texts (Mark Twain, Graham Greene, Oscar Wilde and others). Already at school she spent most of her leisure time reading German literature back and forth (“from Brecht to Schiller and vice versa”). Her favourite English-writing authors are Charles Dickens, J. D. Salinger and John Steinbeck. Therese Eglseder lives in Germering near Munich.
Therese maintains a profile on Proz.com. She can be reached directly via email.