Gunilla Zedigh was born in Rostock, Germany in 1973. She and her mother were able to leave the former East Germany for Sweden to live with her Swedish father after the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (1975). At the age of two, the company that her father worked for transferred him to Washington State, where she grew up together with her younger sister, attending grade school through university in Seattle.
A gifted pianist and musician, she took piano lessons and participated in piano competitions up until her university years. Ms. Zedigh graduated from the University of Washington in 1994 with an Honors in Sociology, and then went on to study Amerikanistik and Skandinavistik at the University of Hamburg, where her family had made its new home.
An avid and passionate reader of books in German, her favorites to date include Stiller by Max Frisch, Die Wand by Marlen Haushofer, Die Große Liebe by Hans-Josef Ortheil, Selina by Walter Kappacher, Der verschlossene Garten by Undine Gruenter, as well as the poetry of Heinrich Heine, Georg Trakl, Ingeborg Bachmann, and, of course, Rainer Maria Rilke.
Gunilla currently divides her time between the Baltic Sea and the Italian Alps, where she enjoys spending time with her family, her boyfriend and her red Somali cat, Polzerino.
Gunilla maintains a profile on Proz.com. She can be reached directly via email.