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Stefan White

Stefan White
Stefan White

Stefan White originated in 1954 in California, crawling the floor at Henry Miller’s house while the latter wrote his eulogy to Big Sur (dedicated to Stefan’s father). Growing up in Australia, he completed a B.A. (Social Science) and Diploma of Education before pursuing other forms of education in New Zealand. Endowed by his meditation teacher, Prem Pal Rawat, with a sense for quality and a feeling for perfection, Stefan White strives in all his endeavors – from fine woodworking, through childcare to translation – to maintain the highest possible standards in work and play. 1986 saw his first publication, “Hammer in the Meadow, Lotus on the Pond: Poems for Lovers”. Married in Austria with a daughter, he has successfully – and with probity – bent and transformed texts from German to English since 1997. Bruce McClintock also contributed significantly to this translation, for which Stefan is very grateful.

Stefan maintains a profile on He can be reached directly via email.